The Challenge:
Day 1: Make a Wish List.
Day 2: Take a picture of your favorite spot.
Day 3: Your favorite nail polish.
Day 4: Your collection.
Day 5: 10 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 6: Your breakfast.
Day 7: Give three compliments to three different people.
Day 8: Your hobby.
Day 9: Summer 2013.
Day 10: Your favorite clothing piece.
Day 11: Your favorite film.
Day 12: Your favorite book.
Day 13: Which apps do you have on your smart phone?
Day 14: A video/picture of your room.
Day 15: Top 5 favorite magazines.
Day 16: Top 5 favorite spots in the world.
Day 17: Your hair.
Day 18: Your jewellery.
Day 19: A pretty nail art.
Day 20: A website/blog.
Day 21: Just a random picture.
Day 22: Design a Logo for your Blog.
Day 23: Your day in pictures.
Day 24: A DIY.
Day 25: Quotes.
Day 26: Things you still want to do in life.
Day 27: What you can be woken up for at night.
Day 28: Your horoscope for today.
Day 29: Your last received text-message.
Day 30: Your thoughts about this challenge.
Day 1: Make A Wishlist
- The first thing that I always wish for when doing anything in which I'm allowed to make a random wish is Happiness. Make that Genuine Happiness. It's truly what I want in the end. I know somewhat of everyone does, but hey it's my list.
- I wish to get back into anime and manga. It has been such a long time since I've actually sat down and watched a whole anime, or read full volumes of manga. Last night was the start though! From about 12:30am-2:30am I watched epi. 1-3 of Tamako Market. [Which I will review once finished] I also have a list of manga I would love to purchase from amazon once I have "recreational" money to spend.
- My third wish would be to be able to have enough money saved to move out. I do have freedom, but at the same time my father sees me as still being 12 years old. It stunts the whole happiness wish from being fulfilled most times.
- OoooOooo I want to go to concerts! I've been getting emails from Ticketmaster and Live Nation with all these awesome sounding concerts in my area, but I need the whole "recreational" fund thing for this as well....and someone to go with..
- My second to last wish [yes I labeled it the second to last wish] will be to actually organize my room. Getting rid of extra clutter. I'm like a stage 1 hoarder or something, but one that knows I'm doing it and really really wants to get rid of unused things. I don't just want to throw it away though...oh lawd that's what they say on the show too...great
- Lastly, I want MoMo to be able to afford the DSLR she needs because a part of me really really REALLY wants to see the youtube vid ideas she'll come up with :)
That's all I can think of wish-wise at the moment. Aside from the of course World Peace, and Happiness for all such and suchness lol. If you'd like to partake in the Challenge I welcome you to!
Oh, and yes I know March has 31 days...whatevs lol
'Til Next Time
☆Starfish Out☆
P.S. I have a new vid on youtube as well :3