Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hong Kong Asian Market!

*Dances* My parents seem to have fallen in love with our local asian market! That means more visits for me >:D. Purchasing produce from there costs substantially less than at our grocery store. Even less than the farmer's market. Here are my spoils :3
Ok so let's see. I picked up The Assorted Jelly sticks first because my Significant Other said that he loves them...So I picked up the biggest jar >_>. lol. If I care about people and learn about something that they like...then I HAVE to give it to them and spoil them lol. Along with the jelly sticks, I got him a bowl and matching spoon since he was taking the chopsticks and bowl from the pho place we had a date at lol. I also bought bendy straws for us whenever we go get something to drink because he likes bendy straws :3. 
The two other non-food items are two different ice molds. One that makes cubes that fit in water bottles, and one with cute shapes [including stars ^_^!].
Onto the food items that are for me :3. I got two things of bin bin, one for me and one for my mommy. A things of assorted mochi with peach, mango, and pineapple flavors. A bag of Strawberry flavored Hi-chew [omnomnom]. A bag of Strawberry filled Hello Kitty Marshmallows for my $50 Hello Kitty swap with menstrual-poetry. Two bags of Shrimp Snacks, Bar B Que and Onion & Garlic flavor. Three of the Look Chocolates because OMG they are so flippin yummy! Lastly, two boxes of Hello Kitty Cookie snacks.
Whoo, alright that's about it for that trip.
Tomorrow the Significant Other and I are going photographing :3. I bought a double pack of disposable cameras from walmart the on Saturday, and three mini photo albums [also from walmart saturday], so we're going to take em and go exploring :3. We're also bringing my digital cameras. I subconsciously want him to learn the buttons on the Nikon, and it would be easier for him to learn on my D60 than my D3100 ^_^. I'm quite excited if everything goes along well. 


1 comment:

  1. TAG!! I chose you for a Liebster Award, check out the link here:
