Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 4: Your collection

Oh collection...
Well, I have a collection of collections actually lol. I collect so many things it's not even funny :p. Here goes :D.
- Most of my kawaii collection
- Most of my Domo collection
- Beginning of my slowly growing Manga collection
 Ok, the reason I have so much nail polish is because [1] I LOVE painting my nails, and [2] I don't like to pay over $1.99 for any of my polish...ok I did pay $3.99 for one of my nail hardeners but that's about it lol.
 The yummy smells are so soothing, though I do need an open space to burn them or they'll mess with my asthma, and my nose lol. I endure most times though.

 I have inherited my mom's lipstick color usage when she was my age. Though I havent used them all just yet, I love all the colors. I mainly use the bright red ones though. The black one I had bought first was "Moody Black" and it changed colors to a maroon-ish color, which upset me lol so I had to get another black that was actually black.

Can never have too much tea o.o. I get the most of my teas from the Farmer's Market. I had first bought the Yogi teas from Whole Foods, but it cost $1 less at the Farmer's Market. The Country Peach Tea came from Wal-Mart though.

There are a few other collections that aren't shown because I was too lazy to get them together lol. Not shown: 00G gauges, rocks [I pick one up everywhere I go pretty much], leggings/stockings, and dunny/vinyl figure.

'Til next time
☆Starfish Out☆


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